This is one of the first Pinterest ideas that ever inspired me. I wish I could find the original pin, but sadly, in the early days, after I was done with it, I deleted it. Now, I have a board where I relocate all the pins that I have tried. As of right now, the tally is up to 108, including recipes, crafts, outfit ideas, etc. But, back to the menu board. The original pin I saw had the same idea as my finished product except that it was in a picture frame with pretty scrapbook paper. To make my own version, I went to the Dollar Store and got 2 packages of magnetic clips and a magnetic locker bin, all in my kitchen colors of orange, yellow and green, with the exception of pink. Then I got some card stock, stickers and Sharpies and made my food cards. I just listed every main dish and side that we eat that I could think of. I made doubles of some like salad or soup. I also made cards that said things like "leftovers", and "dinner out". I put "Su", "Mo", "Tu", etc. stickers on the clips for the days of the week. Then I just stuck it all on the fridge! Total cost of the project? $3, but you could do it for $2 if you can find a single pack of clips to fit your needs!

On my fridge I also keep a dry erase board to keep track of things like meat or produce that need to get eaten, as well as a pad a paper to keep a running list for the grocery store. What keeps you organized in the kitchen?
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