This time around we decided to do something different to find out the gender of our 2nd child. I was inspired by one of my best friends
Alex Marie (check out her awesome blog!). She is due with her first baby just a day apart from me! She and her husband had a gender reveal party to let their family know what they were having. They invited everyone over to their house for fun and snacks and then gave everyone a cupcake. We all ate them as the same time and inside was icing that was blue for a sweet baby boy! I knew that I did not have time to plan something like that but that we could at least do cupcakes. On Sunday I put in an order for 6 cupcakes and let them know that I would be coming by with an icing filling color the next day. On Monday we had our ultrasound but asked the tech not to let us know the gender yet. Instead, I had a slip for her to fill out that I gave to the bakery after the appointment. They already had the cupcakes ready and so it only took a few minutes to finish them up. That evening we had dinner with my parents and for dessert, found out what our baby was!

This is me in shock as it was the complete opposite of what I was expecting!
Here's a closer look. We're having another girl!
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