
Thursday, July 25, 2013


One of the perks of deputation is getting to see things that you would probably NEVER otherwise see. For me, the Upper Penninsula of Michigan is one of those places. I have to tell you, I am truly glad that we are here in July though. The weather has been pretty cool. The high today was 64. In July. The hottest time of the year. But, third trimester me doesn't mind so much right now! Not sure I would be up to coming here if it was much cooler though. There is not much to do around here, but there are some beautiful sights. One that we decided to check out was Kitchitikipi at Palms Book State Park. It is a natural spring that connects with Indian Lake. I have always wanted to see a natural spring so we decided to pay the $8.50.

The park itself was just beautiful, if a bit small. The real attraction was a boat that you could take out over the water for a better view. It was attached to a pulley system that took it in a straight line over the spring. You could make it move by turning a large wheel. We had about 30 people on it with us and did not have to even worry about making it move.
Our daughter loved looking down into the water from Mommy and Daddy's arms. She kept saying "fish" and "boat" very excitedly!

I was told that the water was about 45 feet deep but you could see all the way to the bottom the entire way. There was a cut-out in the middle of the boat so you could look straight down. One side had a railing and one had plexi-glass, but even with Mommy by her side, our daughter still wasn't too sure about it.
Funny story: I stepped out of the house that morning and thought, wow, it's a bit chilly. I should grab jackets. Then I thought, nah! That's silly. It's July! When we got there we were the only ones without them! If you ever find yourself near Manistique, MI, you should check this place out! Just bring your sweater!

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