
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Go Chic or Go Home - Your Virtual Closet!

Recently I found Audry of Putting Me Together on Pinterest and have really enjoyed following her blog. The first set of posts I read was her Building a Remixable Wardrobe series and I really enjoyed how she put everything in simple terms and basic rules. I especially enjoyed the post about Layering Pieces or "completer pieces" as she called them because I have realized lately that those are what can really take an outfit to the next level.
 But this post isn't about her, awesome as she is! It's about another website that she introduced her readers to: Go Chic or Go Home. I haven't had a ton of time to play around with it yet but there is one feature that I am truly excited about: the virtual closet feature! I have been wanting to have a digitized version of my closet for quite some time that I could use to keep me more organized. I knew that if I just took photos of my clothes and kept them on my computer that I would have to do a lot of work to really use them in the way I wanted to. GCOGH does the organizing for me. You start by taking photos of your clothes and then and then uploading them to the site. Then you label each piece by type and color and the site organizes them and you can drag and drop them to create outfits. You can save those outfits and access them/change them at any time. I plan to use this as a resource for trip planning as well as outfits that I want to feature on the blog. On the website you can also view outfits and clothes from other users and share/glean ideas with each other. There is also a section where you can get coupon codes for stores that you like. Here is an outfit I built and then wore recently to take my daughter to play at the mall.
T-shirt - Ross (maternity)
Gauchos - Wal-Mart
Shoes - Kohl's
Scarf - Wal-Mart

Click here to request an invitation to join the site!

1 comment:

  1. Can members of GCOGH personally invite friends to become members? If so, invite me :)


I would love to know what you think or see pictures of anything you make from what you see here!