
Friday, January 18, 2013

Shower Beauty Routine

Ever feel like you are just too busy to do a beauty routine? Can't be bothered to put on lotion or keep your legs perfectly shaved all the time? Me too. Especially after becoming a mom! But, there is a way that you can get it all in AND reduce the mess (another reason I skip stuff sometimes!). Take it to the shower! Here are a few things that I do in their:
1. Shave! I have been shaving in the shower pretty much since I started shaving. I do it every day, every shower. It does not take much time at all and my legs and underarms never get unsightly. I don't use shave gel every day, however. I usually just run the razor over my legs right after I soap up. You can also use extra hair conditioner that you might have on hand.
2. Deep condition your hair! This particular product only takes 3 minutes! I put it in as soon as I wash my hair (which I do first) and by the time I am done washing myself and shaving it has already been at least 3 minutes. Bonus: it smells great!
3. Wash your face! I really don't like washing my face in the sink and having the water run down my arms. Washing with acne wash in the shower is perfect because your pores are already open from the heat of the shower and it is a whole lot less messy. You can let it sit on your face for a minute without worrying about it getting everywhere. You can also wash your neck and chest with it as well.
4. Put on lotion! This is not one that I ever would have thought of this if someone had not given me the product above. You put it on after washing and shaving and you don't even need to rinse it off! I don't think you really even need a special in-shower lotion either, you could probably just use regular lotion!

These are the four main things that I do extra in the shower. Doing these things there saves me a lot of mess and time and still helps me feel like I'm trying! Here are two more things you can do in the shower on a less regular basis:
5. A face mask! For me, a shower is the perfect place to try these. I seem to be sensitive to them, so if they start to burn (what usually happens) I can rinse them off quickly with no mess.
6. Exfoliate your feet! I have a pumice stone/brush very similar to this one from the Dollar Store. If I feel I am getting a little rough I start using it in the shower for a little while and then just hang it up to dry.

Do you have any more ideas to save time and work in a little pampering in the shower? If so, add to the list in the comments!


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