
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Felt Frog Pin

I met a lady last night that liked frogs and uses one in her ministry so I thought I would take the opportunity to try making her one. Sometimes I don't need much of an excuse to make something. I started, as always by drawing a simple picture of a frog. I did a Google search for felt frog images to get an idea of what I wanted. Once I had my drawing, I broke it down into pattern pieces. I like to label them before I cut them out so I know which side is up and what goes where. This is really helpful later too if I decide to keep my pattern for future use.
Next, I gathered my materials and actually thought to take a picture of it all together.
2 shades of green felt
Yellow felt for stomach and eyes
White felt for mouth (not pictured)
Black felt for backing
Stick pins
Needle and matching or contrasting thread
Glue gun
Safety pin or pin back

Obvious first step would be to cut out your pieces. I used a needle and green thread to add details.
Next, begin gluing down your pieces in this order:
1. Eyes and belly to frog body
2. Arms slightly overlapping frog belly
3. Mouth covering top of arms and bottom of eyes
4. Lily pad to black felt
5. Frog to lily pad and black felt

Finally, trim off the excess black felt and glue your pin to the back.
Here's the finished pin, from inspiration to fruition!

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